5 Reasons Why C is Still Worth Learning

First of all, whether C is a good choice as your first language is an entirely different discussion. C is one of these languages that is definitely not everybody's Cup of tea. Hopefully, the following reasons will help you decide.
What is C?
C is a powerful and versatile programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s to make programming for the Unix operating system easier. By design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions and offers low-level excess for the underlying hardware.
5 Reasons to Learn C
1. Foundational language
C is the foundation of many popular programming languages, such as C++, Objective-C, Java, JavaScript and some lesser known ones. Also, most languages are implemented in C. Knowing C helps to understand how those languages work under the hood. So if you know C, you will have an easier time learning other languages in general.
2. Wide range of applications
C is used to write operating systems, drivers, compilers, databases, and many other types of software. It is also used in embedded systems, such as robotics, avionics, space crafts and medical devices. If you are interested in these topics, C is an excellent language to learn.
3. Efficiency and performance
C code is typically very efficient and fast, which makes it ideal for applications where performance is critical. This is because it was designed to map very efficiently to machine instructions. C provides direct access to hardware without going through layers of abstraction. This makes it possible to write efficient device drivers like GPU drivers, network drivers and drivers for other performance-critical devices.
4. Portability and flexibility
C code can be compiled for many different platforms, making it a good choice for cross-platform development. And by this, I don’t mean only Windows, MacOS and Linux. I mean all the different Hardware platforms out there—just think of the Raspberry PI, Arduino, your phone and even your smart TV that is nowadays capable of running Netflix, YouTube and the like. C is also a very flexible language, which allows you to write code in various ways.
5. Fundamentals of programming
C teaches you the basics of programming in a clear and concise way, which makes it a good language to learn if you want to better understand the fundamentals of programming in general. C also forces you to manage memory manually, which gives you a better understanding of how computers work.
In conclusion, C is a powerful and versatile programming language that is still worth learning in 2023. It is used in a wide variety of applications, from operating systems, embedded systems and network applications to games and graphics. C is also a great language for learning the fundamentals of programming, as it teaches them in a concise manner and also forces you to pay attention to things like memory management. If you are interested in the topics mentioned above, then C is a language that you should definitely learn.
Originally published at https://mrs-th.github.io